How do I create my account?

Creating your Lab Directory access account is quite simple. Please follow the steps below.

  1. Click the login button on the top right of the navigation bar. A popup will appear.
  2. Click the link "Request Site Access"
  3. Fill out the short form to register.
  4. You will be emailed an activation link. *Click the link. Now, you may login to the site.

* Some email clients may flag the incoming email with your activation link due to its dynamic generation. Please, check your spam/junk folder if you do not see an email from us within 15 minutes.

How do I request that a laboratory be added to the directory, and are there any specific requirements?

Users may submit a laboratory for inclusion in the database by selecting “Submit a Lab” in the navigation bar at the top of the site. The user should complete the contact details, download the lab template, provide the relevant information, and upload the completed file to the site.

The user may upload any file type; use of the template is not required. You will receive a confirmation email, and a site administrator will contact you to continue the process of adding the laboratory information to the database and website.

How often is the “News Feed” updated? If there is a news source that I would like to add, whom do I contact?

The News Feed is updated automatically whenever the Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds are updated at the source. If you would like to suggest a news source, select the “Support” tab and complete the online form.

I am interested in the laboratories that conduct air quality analysis. I noticed that it is not within the matrices listed on the site. How do I request to have that information added to the database?

To ask a question or make a recommendation, select the “Support” tab and complete the online form. Site administrators will review and respond to requests. New laboratories and their capabilities can be added as part of typical site maintenance.

The Google Maps are not being displayed on my screen. How can I view them?

If you are unable to see the Google Maps, please click configure your browser to “allow blocked content” or “load unsafe scripts.”

Directory Support

Jodi Harney

Chris Kelly

This site requires a login. If you do not have login credentials, please click "Request Site Access" below.

Information provided on this website does not constitute endorsement by CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. or its affiliates. Please note that access by unqualified users and spammers may be revoked at any time.